- Nueva Texan left in a comment a link to such a funny video, I have to post it here, too.
- Apparently, some guy in England has published a "100 Minute Bible." Is it still God's Word when you've chopped it up? Something about Revelation 22:19 says to me that the answer is a resounding "No" ... at least, he should market it as a book about the Bible and not the Bible itself.
- Somebody recently commented in light of Katrina that they should stop naming hurricanes with people names. I can't help but my mouth waters for some water ice every time they talk about Rita, so it's too bad that this 18th hurricane of the season had to be named for my favorite ice cream place.
- My new drink of choice is Celestial Seasonings "Imperial White Peach White Tea." I brew it and then chill it ... it's got a hint of sweetness, but it's not really sweat; I'm also a huge fan of white tea recently.
- Okay, on the subject of food, Breyer's "Extra Creamy Vanilla" ice cream is much better than its "Vanilla Bean" ice cream. I've been eating a lot of it lately with the few fresh raspberries that my parents' garden is eeking out this year.
And since I don't have much to write about besides food, I'm going to sign off!
First, we definitely have to learn that dance before the next RMCC ball.
Second, I haven't tried the brewing and then chilling of any herbal teas. I'll put that on the list of things to do after the multi-hour (days) task of cleaning my apartment.
And finally, I've decided that I don't like Cold Stone Creamery. The ice cream is just waayy too rich and thick and sticky and creamy. It makes you sick after just a few bites and I'm certain I'll have an early heart attack from eating there. I'll bet Breyer's "Extra Creamy Vanilla" rocks Cold Stone.
Dennis, if you want to do that dance, you should organize it! The main guy kind of looks like you, so I don't think anybody would be fighting you for the place of honor in the dance!
Re: Cold Stone -- I think it's overpriced, but I don't mind the extra thick & creamy part of it ... I tend to think that with stuff like ice cream, the richer the better.
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