Monday, November 06, 2006

Tripp Quote

"If you understand the story of redemption, you know that God does not seem to be in the fearful hurry that often drives our efforts to help others. Following his example means that we can take the time to ask, listen, think, interpret, and pray. We should not assume that we know more about people than we really do. Following God's example encourages us to take the time to ask biblical questions that help people take a long look at themselves and their lives. It encourages us to follow quesiton with question, assuring them that we really want to understand, and organizing what we learn so that we can think about it from a distinct Scriptural perspective. We do all of this to bring the transforming grace of Christ to people as they really are in the midst of what they are really facing."
Paul Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands 197

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