Thursday, June 14, 2007

Grace for the Future

In my reading last night, I came across a sentence that particularly struck me:

"There is no grace for speculation."

What the speaker, Carolyn McCulley, was saying is that God gives us ample grace each day to face what he brings our way each day. But he does not give us "spare" grace for all of the potential alternative realities that we manufacture in our minds. God does not call us to live in the future, but the present. If (mentally) we run out ahead of God, we're on our own (in a manner of speaking) ... God's not in the business of battling imaginary spectres or windmills that we mistake for giants.

Part of our "daily bread" is trusting that God guides our steps one at a time. Each day has enough worries of its own, and the good news is that God does give us the grace for these!


Carrie Jean (to be Peeples) Friesen said...

This was great! Thanks for the reminder/encouragement. Reminds me of how God didn't give the Israelites extra manna in the desert, but just enough to get through that day. (BTW, mom gave me the link to your blog, hope you don't mind :)

Hannah said...

Molls, thanks for that (even though you posted in a week or so ago). My friends and I have had some recent discussion on how difficult it is to fight the spiritual fight of our thought process. You are insightful, and a blessing and I MISS YOU!