Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quotes of the Day

Both from a new read of mine, Buzzard Blog, and both from a book he's reading called The Heart of a Servant Leader by Jack Miller.

"...don't spend more than one-half hour looking at your sins."

"...I like to think of repentance and praise as allied to each other--both forms of sanity...what a simple thing it is to humble the heart and return to sanity by repentance and praise."


Anonymous said...

that's funny, i'm currently flipping through that same book, a grad gift from a jackmillerite. it's a book of letters, and surprisingly helpful. (lots of letters to pastors here.)

Anonymous said...

I think it was Spurgeon who said, "When we learn to kiss the rod, God burns it."

Repentance is never attractive when veiwing it from the sin-side. But anyone who has passed over the threshold of confession, godly sorrow, and repentance to the other side where grace abounds knows that it is the best place in the world to be.

As a recovering sinner I can promise you: repentance is sweet.

Great quote...I will get the book.