Monday, January 21, 2008

Be Fit!

Yesterday morning, I got to worship at one of my church's sister churches (and hear our former youth pastor preach -- I love going to church there because I feel so at home!).

They've just started meeting in an elementary school's gym, and one of the things that first met my eyes was a big sign on the wall we were facing; it read: "Be Fit."

I know that this is directed at increasingly-sedintary elementary students who are in PE class, but every time my eyes met that sign, I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of a church that believes so strongly in total depravity boldly proclaiming to congregants, "Be Fit!" My mind wandered around in response to this a bit until I finally landed on an appropriate response:
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy...
Let not conscience make you linger,
Not of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.

And then, as we celebrated the Lord's Supper, Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 81:

Question: For whom is the Lord's supper instituted?
Answer: For those who are truly sorrowful for their sins, and yet trust that these are forgiven them for the sake of Christ; and that their remaining infirmities are covered by his passion and death; and who also earnestly desire to have their faith more and more strengthened, and their lives more holy; but hypocrites, and such as turn not to God with sincere hearts, eat and drink judgment to themselves.

Praise God that this is all the fitness he requires!

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