God is also working in my friends' lives -- sometimes dramatically, sometimes subtly, sometimes slowly and agonizingly -- and He ministered to me through them this weekend.
I'll go light on details except to say that I got to celebrate Addie's birthday with her on Saturday (I think this was maybe the first time in our friendship that we've been face-to-face on one of our birthdays?). We had dinner with a few others at a lovely wine bar in downtown Bozeman and part way through the meal I had the urge to propose a toast. It could have been a lot more profound if I'd thought about what to say before I proposed having a toast -- so it came out as something like, "Uh, you're pretty. Happy Birthday." What I meant to say (as in, what was in my heart) was more along the lines of, "You are a gift from the Lord and a treasure of a friend. May you this year see the goodness of the Lord. In the meantime, wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Here's to both of us this year!
And a few pics for your viewing pleasure...
Gorgeous... (I had TEN hours of this type of view over 3 days, and it never got old!)
Blake is SUCH a ham for the camera (these were all very carefully posed by him; I was taking pictures while he was eating dinner).

Combining two of the best things in Blake's world: a Superman fishing pole.
(As he's hamming it up:) "Blake, can you open your eyes really wide and look surprised?"
"...Okay, Blake, can you say 'contrarian'?"
"I am NOT contwian!"
Those have got to be the Crazy Mountains?! I have always wanted to stop and take photos of them there on the highway. I guess my husband thought it was too dangerous. I love them! I got to live in Livingston, Montana for 20 years and I was sometimes in danger of wrecking my car because I was so totally transfixed by the Crazies when I was driving in full view of them.
Berta Kramlich now in Portland, OR
YES, Berta! The middle picture is of the Crazies, and I think the last one might be, too. I drove from Billings to Missoula and back this weekend, so I got to see many of our great mountain ranges.
Your husband would think I was completely crazy and dangerous -- I took pictures of the mountains from the highway, but I didn't stop to do it :)
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