Yes, that's right: Peacemaker Ministries has started a blog, and I get the privilege of being on the blogging team. We went "live" today! (btw, isn't our banner cool? I'm jazzed about the "theme" of our blog as well as the look we developed...hmmm, maybe that's because it feels familiar.)
A few months ago, while this was still in the planning stages, I came up with 10 Reasons Why I Would Read the PM Blog (even if I weren't one of the authors). This isn't one of our "official promotion pieces" (you'll see why), but I still thought it would be worth posting for my readership, since you know me a little better:
- I’m passionate about deepening my understanding of how the gospel impacts my daily life in practical ways .. and peacemaking is all about that.
- If I weren’t in the PM office on a regular basis, I’d love to be a “fly on the wall,” and this blog promises a little peek on some of the cool conversations about peacemaking that never make it outside of Billings, MT.
- I’m interested to see what all these people have to say about peacemaking – and how much of our world (blogs, articles, books, current events) they relate to peacemaking.
- On a similar subject, there are four people who are the key authors of the blog, but they’ll be taking “submissions” from the rest of the staff, so it will be great to get so many perspectives on peacemaking consolidated into one place!
- Two of those four people really like to give each other a hard time: I want to see if Jeromy and Molly will get into it about anything and have one of their fun “spats” in public! (don't count on it until we have a good deal of rapport)
- I’d be curious to see if they ever have the nerve to blog about conflicts in their office or personal lives … (Hint: we don’t ever have conflicts, so my guess is that would be a “no” – ha ha!)
- I read The Peacemaker five years ago, but it was pretty long and dense, so I probably won’t read it again any time soon. Maybe the other blog authors have (re)read it more recently and can refresh my memory about some of the highlights and applications.
- PM is in an exciting phase of growth right now, and I suspect that what we communicate through our blog will be on the cutting–edge of where we’re going.
- In addition to thought-provoking content, we’ll probably also be making announcements (like our latest addition to the Keynote Speaker lineup at our conference), so the blog will help me keep updated with what’s going on at the ministry.
- I’m always in need of encouragement to live “a live worth of the calling to which I have been called,” especially in the challenging area of relationships. A daily update in this regard is something I wouldn’t want to miss!
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