Thursday, September 20, 2012

Repenting of Prayerlessness

I was convicted during some sleepless moments last night of my prayerlessness regarding things that I have been assuming will go well, either because they have gone well in the past or because I just arrogantly assume that I am good enough to make them go well on my own.

This is, of course, total folly since past blessing is evidence of God's generous grace and future blessing comes entirely from his hand.

And so I am repenting and actually praying. So grateful to have a forgiving God who bears with and blesses his bumbling, slow-witted followers, and who "gives [his wisdom] generously to all without reproach."

1 comment:

Addie said...

Also guilty of the same. Been working on running to God in all things, not just the hard stuff, lest I imply that "religion is a last resort for the weak."

Besides, I have so much to pray ABOUT, what with a daughter (pre-praying for those teenage years) and a son in school being influenced by many things that I would not approve of. ARGH.

Thanks for putting to words to what I've been thinking. :)