Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Some highlights from my blog reading today:
  • Ainsley has recommended this Bible-reading schedule for Shirkers and Slackers, which I will certainly check out when I have the time!
  • Melodee gives a great report of her time preparing for Peacemaker Clubs and what God is doing through this ministry to children.
  • Thanks to La Shawn Barber, I just found the Persecution Blog, which gives updates about Christian persecutions around the world. Good mental food for the lazy American Christian inside of me!
  • I hope I'm remotely close to being this mobile when (if) I'm 95.
  • Christian has some great pictures up of his family's Father's Day drive through the Pryor Mountains.
Okay, that's all I have time for now -- I have to go pack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed your your mention of the Persecution Blog. I concur that it sends a wake-up call to all us lazy, "at ease in Zion" Christians who don't know that fellow believers in other parts of the world are being persecuted in droves!

I read the site daily and see it as a clearing house of info on Christian persecution.