Sunday, July 10, 2005

Enchanted Forest

DSCN25631, originally uploaded by A Random Mind.

My dad and I spent the last few days working on the fence at the cabin in the Crazy Mountains. For most of Friday, we were in a section of woods that is so overgrown with moss and has so much downed timber, I felt like I was in an enchanted forest. Of course, I know that enchanted forests don't actually exist. But just let me pretend for a little while, and if you want to pretend, too, you can go see the rest of my pictures of the enchanted forest!


Pilgrim in Progress said...

Beautiful photo, Molly! Thanks for posting that...

Amanda said...

Cool photos, Molly. I could imagine an elf (of Tolkein or non-Tolkein variety) popping out from behind those trees...

Melodee said...

Somehow I can't visualize an elf of the Tolkien variety "popping out" of anywhere... :)

That forest is definitely enchanted, Molly!

Greg said...

Nice pics - that log TOTALLY looks like a hippo!

Glad you are enjoying your summer. The MT pics from the car look great too.

My wife loves big sky country. I'm looking forward to making a trip out there at some point.

See you back in philly in a few weeks. (wait.. will I?)

Greg said...

scratch that last question - i realize that you are finished!
Well, it was a pleasure knowing you briefly, and you will forever remain in my memory as the person who made Lane Tipton stammer and stumble all over himself in class.

May the Lord bless you and your family! Take care.