Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pearls of Wisdom, again...

This cartoon makes me think of so many biblical truths (I referred to it on my talk Friday night!), especially these three:

* Prov 9:13-18, on Lady Folly: "'Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!' But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave"

* Col 2:20 "Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules?"


* Romans 7:19, 24 "For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing... What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?"

Here's the next day's strip:


Addie said...

You were POSTING this morning? Die hard, lady. Fun to have time with you this weekend - let's do it again!

Molly said...

Yeah ... I'd wanted to get this up and had a few minutes while you were in the shower. I had a great time with you, too ... my fellow Pearls lover :)

Anonymous said...

"She smells good"

Classic. The source of most temptations. Have you smelled my Audi? That's how I was tempted to buy it. It smelled gooood.