Saturday, December 13, 2008

10 Years Later...

Not sure what brought on the wave of nostalgia yesterday, but here are two lists:

Five Ways I've Changed Since High School
  1. I'm more confident
  2. I can now pretend I'm an extrovert
  3. I've lost around 20 lbs of muscle mass
  4. I have a better sense of how clothes should fit me
  5. I appreciate my friendships much more
Five Ways I Haven't Changed So Much
  1. I still generally feel like I'm more on the outside than the inside of most circles
  2. I'm still a mediocre athlete (I just don't do it much anymore)
  3. I still live in the same town and am partial to black&orange
  4. I still look goofy in 99.9% of photographs
  5. I still value the same things in a man (ha ha! I found a list the other day that a friend named Meagan and I had made and seriously, HH fits like 95% of the things we put in the list!)
(Pictures are high school basketball buttons. Top is my senior year; below are frosh and sophomore years. Sorry, I didn't want to take the time to take great pics ... but look at the size of my neck in the senior one! I think I'll turn the buttons into ornaments.)


Sharon said...

I l-o-v-e nostalgia, Molly!!! Great pictures, too. I was prepared for years for M & K to attend Senior -- then we moved west of 24th & Grand and became Bear fans...

Lindsey K said...

So fun....I think you have inspired me to make a list similar to yours because that is an interesting thought. I don't have any cool buttons though, but I did throw away some dried up B-day mums when Chad and I got married that I saved for some reason??

Anonymous said...

Ah the good ol' basketball days!
So much silliness back in those days.
Emily (Morrison) Nichols