Saturday, April 30, 2005

If I were...

Andrea at Kindred Spirits tagged me to play "If I were." So, here goes...

If I Were. . .

Here's the scoop on how to play: I pick 5 occupations out of the list below and post my answers. Then I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. If I tag you, and you don't want to be a part of this, then that is okay. Just let me know and I'll tag someone else. Make sure you note who tagged you!

The "questions": If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter...If I could be a gardener...If I could be a missionary...If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist...If I could be a librarian...If I could be an athlete...If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an inn-keeper...If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer...If I could be a llama-rider...If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be an astronaut...If I could be a world famous blogger...If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

If I could be a painter, I would fill my house with all kinds of personalized, brightly-colored art. As it is, I'll have to "settle" for photographs, which I hope to plaster all over my walls.

If I could be a professor, I would teach Greek, Hebrew, Latin (once I learned it better), and theology to eager young minds -- and do my best to make minds eager if they weren't.

If I could be a world famous blogger, I'd quit my day job (as if I have one), put ads on my blog, and turn this hobby into a profit. What a fun way to make a living!

If I could be a writer, I'd write good Christian fiction, like And the Shofar Blew. I'd also write easy-to-understand theology books. The first one would be called Van Til For Dummies. The second would be called Predestination for Dummies.

If I could be a gardener, I would fulfill all of the dream plans that I have for my backyard!

I now tag: Ainsley, Denise, and Marilyn.
(TL: you barely escaped getting tagged - make you update more!)


goodnight moon said...

Hey! You only did 3!

Molly said...

You're right -- I guess I got the "3" in my mind for those who I'm supposed to tag...

Andrea said...

Thanks M!!
I knew your's would be good! :)

Andrea said...

Sorry, I didn't read your comment to me on Kindred Spirits until this morning. I don't know if you need examples anymore, but I discovered the game onTulip Girl and got linked to the rest from there.