Monday, June 27, 2005

Membership Sunday.

This will be my last post before the anticipated cabin trip, but I did want to make a few comments about church yesterday. The entire service was great - the music, the sermon (which I will likely post a link to once it's online; y'all have GOT to hear it if you weren't there).

But the time when 30 new members were received into the church was really special. They asked each of the people to share why they wanted to be members at RMCC, and everything they said was exactly all of the reasons that a church should exist: the preaching is wonderful, the music is wonderful, everything is very Christ-centered ... and in the midst of all this orthodoxy is genuine love for our brothers and sisters, like you'd read about in a Mitford book or something: the welcoming of guests, frequent hospitality, true peacemaking and sharing of one another's joys and sorrows.

Everybody had a slightly different story; some of them were coming out of difficult situations at other churches. One man whom I met at the picnic after the service said that he's been going to church all his life, but he's finally found a place where he felt like it was "home." It really is a wonderful place to call my church home (even though I'm not a member yet); and I'm so thankful that God has provided a way for me to come back to Billings, where I am close to my biological family as well as a large extended family in Christ.

1 comment:

Melodee said...

Yes, it was special, wasn't it? As I listened to all those testimonies my heart cried out "thank you, and grow us even more, Lord Jesus!" My prayer for our church is that we will become more and more Christ-centered, more hospitable, and more deeply knit together in fellowship.